We are very excited to announce that another DJ Wagner employee, Tom Wagner, has recently graduated from Rapport Leadership Breakthrough One! Rapport has been a major influence on our team and building our culture here at DJ Wagner Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. We continue to encourage our staff to take this journey not only to grow personally but professionally as well. Rapport offers a challenging yet rewarding experience and we look forward to seeing what skills Tom brings home to apply to his daily life. Way to go, Tom!
We also are extremely thrilled to announce that while Tom dominated Leadership Breakthrough One, Steve Calabrese, Mike Castelli, Cait Scullin and Jim Shriver conquered Leadership Breakthrough Two! Leadership Breakthrough Two is focused on team building and working together to accomplish one common goal. As for Tom, we are excited to watch what Steve, Mike, Cait and Jim do now with the exclusive training they have received!
As you can see, here at DJ Wagner we are committed to the education and growth of our employees both professionally and personally. These five employees who seized the opportunity at Rapport Leadership Training in Las Vegas, Nevada is another indication that we are in the midst of very exciting times at DJ Wagner! Stay tuned for the next group of DJ Wagner family to return from Rapport Training!