The Innovation and Discovery Center at Ursinus College in Phoenixville, PA is new 42,000 SF addition squeezed in between two existing classroom buildings, Thomas Hall and Pfahler Hall. Hired to perform the mechanical scope of the project, DJ Wagner strategically planned and executed their way to success. This project truly tested the organization’s trade skills, teamwork and collaboration across departments along with project planning abilities. The Innovation and Discovery Center consisted of classrooms, offices, laboratories and a vivarium in the basement. The scope itself contained higher quantities and much more sophisticated equipment than buildings 100 times the size of this project.
This BIM project required hundreds of hours of up-front coordination, meticulous attention to detail and constant analysis of field conditions during this 18-month project. DJ Wagner immediately jumped to task when the campus loop high pressure steam and chilled water lines needed to be relocated and temporarily ran to ensure regular function on in the surrounding buildings before construction could begin on the new building. Coordination and understanding the intricacies of the equipment to be installed dominated the focus during construction. All the while, the schedule maintained. DJ Wagner is proud of the forward thinking, leadership and fortitude it took to make this project a success.