The Navy Building project consisted of renovation to 2 wings on the second floor of the 26 building at the Naval Inventory Control Plant. There was 2 phases to this project. Each phase consisted of the demolition of existing water cooled AHU equipment, duct work, piping, hot water radiation. DJW installed new 4 Air Handling units, 5 Rooftop units, 6 Energy Recovery Units, 7 Hot water Unit heaters, 6 Relief fans with VFD’s, 3 exhaust fans, 44 VAV boxes with hot water coils, 6 sound attenuators, 1 Steam to water heat exchanger, 2 Hot water pumps, 2 Chilled water pumps, new fin tube radiation in stair wells, new duct work, heating and chilled water piping systems for new work, duct and piping insulation, new expansion tanks and air separators for respective water systems. Due to the location of the equipment on the roof, 350 ton cranes were required to set rooftop equipment for each phase. All NAVFAC safety requirements were adhered to for this project. DJW also performed commissioning assistance for thjis project with NAVFAC commissioning agent.